Great new sponsorship initiative

07 juli 2017

Dordrecht – Voor de Nijmeegse Vierdaagse hebben Bianca, Sandra en Karin ruim €1.800 euro opgehaald voor High Five Foundation. De dames begonnen hun tocht op dinsdag 18 juli.

High Five Foundation dankt Bianca, Sandra en Karin voor deze donatie en wenst hen heel veel succes tijdens de Vierdaagse!

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High Five Foundation is there for children aged 4 to 18 in Dordrecht whose parents are affiliated with the Food Bank. Putting your shoe, presents under the tree or a day out is quite normal for most children. For the target group of the High Five Foundation, unfortunately not. Every day the financial aspect dominates, leaving no room for a day at an amusement park or getting a present.

That is why the High Five Foundation organizes five major projects a year so that these children can also enjoy a moment of carefree fun.